Is A 40 Gallon Tank Good For A Hamster - Everything There Is To Know! (2024)

Looking for the right size tank for your pet hamster that offers lots of room to run around? You will come across many options from 10-gallon to 20-gallon, 30-gallon, 40-gallon, and more. But can you put a hamster in a 40 gallon tank?

Yes, a hamster can comfortably live in a 40-gallon tank, including the Syrian, one of the largest species. Because, you see, a 20-gallon hamster tank with floor space of around 450 square inches is the minimum size. A 40-gallon tank, on the other hand, offers floor space of about 650 square inches.

But there is more! So, read on to discover everything there is to know about keeping your hamster in a 40-gallon tank.

Is A 40 Gallon Tank Good For A Hamster?

The answer to the question, can a hamster live in a 40 gallon tank?, is a yes. This is because the most miniature tank size for most hamsters is 24″ long x 12″ wide x 12″ high or simply 20 gallons. And as it turns out, a 40-gallon tank measures 36″ long x 18″ tall x 18″ deep.

In terms of floor space, a 40-gallon tank is spacious enough at 650 square inches since the minimum required size is 450 square inches. Therefore, it can comfortably house hamsters of different sizes and types.

But can you keep a dwarf hamster in a 40 gallon tank or a Syrian hamster? You definitely can. Check out this table comparing various minimum tank sizes suitable for pet hamsters.

Type of HamsterAverage SizeMinimum Tank Size (Gallons)Minimum Tank Size (Inches)
Syrian (golden)5 – 8 inches long2024 by 12 by 12
Roborovski2 -3 inches in length2024 by 12 by 12
Winter White Dwarf3 – 4 inches long2025 by 18 by 18
Chinese3 -5 inches long2024 by 12 by 16
Campbell2 – 4 inches long2024 by 12 by 12

Looking at the information in the table above, you can clearly tell that most pet hamsters can live in a 40-gallon tank. This tank type is spacious enough to allow your hamster to move around while playing with toys. It can also fit bedding, lots of toys, a food bowl, and a water bottle.

However, because of the large size of a Syrian hamster, a 40-gallon tank is good enough for only one pet. But if you keep a dwarf hamster, such a tank can fit up to two pets. That said, the best way to tell that a 40-gallon tank is not suitable for your hamster is to look out for signs such as:

  • Climbing and biting the insides
  • Aggressive behavior due to stress
  • Constantly trying to get out of the tank
  • Depression and chronic stress

Is A 40 Gallon Tank Good For A Syrian Hamster?

Is A 40 Gallon Tank Good For A Hamster - Everything There Is To Know! (1)

Perhaps you would like to know, can a Syrian hamster live in a 40 gallon tank? The answer is yes. This type of tank is 36 inches long, while an average Syrian hampster measures about 5 to 8 inches long.

Therefore, you can expect a 40-gallon tank to offer plenty of room for your Syrian hamster to run about and explore. That said, there is no harm in getting a bigger tank because some Syrian hamsters can be very picky.

Related Post: What Size Fish Tank Is Good For A Hamster

Can A Dwarf Hamster Live in A 40 Gallon Tank

Is A 40 Gallon Tank Good For A Hamster - Everything There Is To Know! (2)

Since a Syrian hamster is one of the biggest in size, can you keep a dwarf hamster in a 40 gallon tank then? Yes, you can. Also known as a phodopus, a dwarf hamster’s average size is 3-4 inches long.

So, thanks to its small size, a 40-gallon breeder will fit at least 2 dwarf hamsters while providing adequate space to run around. It will also leave enough room to add small hiding places for your pet and lots of toys to play with.

Can A Hamster Live In A 10 And 20 Gallon Tank?

Is A 40 Gallon Tank Good For A Hamster - Everything There Is To Know! (3)

A 10-gallon tank is relatively small in size. Therefore, it won’t provide your hamsters enough space to run around, play, and explore. In addition, you won’t have much room to add toys such as climbing platforms, tunnels, or running wheels. And if you try keeping your pet in a 10-gallon, it may experience:

  • Unhealthy weight gain
  • Anxiety and stress problems
  • Depression
  • Aggressive mood like biting the owner
  • Chewing holes through the tank
  • Constantly climbing up the tank

That said, a hamster can live in a 20-gallon tank which is the minimum size for most hamster species. For this size tank, your pet rodent will have sufficient space to burn their extra energy, burrow, and run. However, this may not be as spacious as a 40-gallon breeder.

Why Do Hamsters Need a Big Tank Size?

Is A 40 Gallon Tank Good For A Hamster - Everything There Is To Know! (4)

Hamsters are very active animals with so much energy. Therefore, they need larger-sized tanks that offer adequate space for nesting and burrowing.

A small tank may not provide enough room for these pets to run around and burn their extra energy. As such, they may suffer from obesity. Therefore, at the very least, you should get a 20-gallon breeder for your furry hamster.

How Do You Set Up A 40 Gallon Tank For Hamster?

Is A 40 Gallon Tank Good For A Hamster - Everything There Is To Know! (5)

Now that you know the answer to the question, is a 40 gallon tank good for a hamster, how is the setup? Check out this step-by-step guide and a video on setting up a 40-gallon breeder.

Step 1: Lay down the bedding

To start with, cover the bottom of your hamster’s tank with bedding. You need to have about 5 to 6 inches layers of bedding. The best bedding to use is Aspen wood shavings or dried grass.

Step 2: Set up the hamster wheel

Next up, get a free-standing wheel and put it in one of the corners of your hamster’s tank. The wheel can range from 8 to 12 inches big if it is a Syrian hamster. But for dwarf hamsters, it should be at least 6-inches in size.

Step 3: Add extra toys

Start by adding small hiding places for your pet to play in and explore, including toy houses, plastic boxes, and tubes. You should also set up small ladders, bridges, climbing areas, and wooden pet chew toys.

Step 4: Put a water bottle and food bowl

For the water bottle, you can use Velcro to secure it to the side of your 40-gallon tank while facing down. You can also get a bottle with a stand and put it on the floor. Lastly, place the food bowl or fruit dish on top of the bedding in one corner.


In the section below, you can find answers to commonly asked questions about is a 40 gallon tank good for a hamster. Check them out.

1. What is the floor space of a 40 gallon tank?

A 40-gallon breeder offers floor space of around 650 square inches. However, the dimensions of a 40-gallon tank vary based on the manufacturer. Therefore, you can get a 40-gallon breeder with a floor space of more than 650 square inches.

2. How big is a 40 gallon tank in inches?

On average, most 40-gallon tanks measure 36 inches long, 16 inches high, and 18 inches wide. However, you can find some 40-gallon tank models that are 18 inches high instead of 16-inches.

3. Is a 55-gallon tank big enough for my hamster?

A 55-gallon tank offers more space than its 40-gallon counterpart, as it measures 48 inches by 13 inches by 21 inches. Therefore, it can fit a single Golden hamster and a Chinese hamster. And for Dwarf species, you can comfortably keep more than two in your 55-gallon tank.


A 40-gallon tank might not be the largest breeder out there, but it is still a good size for most hamsters. So, if you are still wondering, can hamster live in a 40 gallon tank? The answer is a big yes, whether your hamster is a Syrian or a dwarf.

However, a hamster will not live in a 10-gallon breeder. This is because these pets require a spacious tank, yet the minimum size is a 20-gallon tank. Keeping them in a small cage could result in issues like weight gain, anxiety, and depression.

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Is A 40 Gallon Tank Good For A Hamster - Everything There Is To Know! (2024)
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