How to Create the Perfect Christmas Cookie Tin | Imperial Sugar (2024)

Holiday gift-giving can be deliciously fun when you make your own cookies. Spending a day in the kitchen baking up a variety of cookies will leave you with more than just a full stomach. You’re bound to make some holiday memories too; especially when you gather several generations to help out.

How to Create the Perfect Christmas Cookie Tin | Imperial Sugar (1)

The recipe for assembling the perfect cookie tin includes variety, flavor, packaging, and shelf-life.

  1. Combine a variety of cookies with different types of shapes, sizes, textures, colors and flavors to make a pretty and appetizing cookie tin. We have suggestions for each below.
  2. Add a novelty type cookie like our decorated Holiday Ornament Shortbread Cookiesor Biscoff Style Speculoos Ornament Cookiesfor the perfect centerpiece.
  3. Avoid sticky or gooey cookies. You don’t want all your cookies stuck together in one big clump.
  4. Depending on the size of your tin and the types of cookies, plan to include 2-3 of each type of cookie in each tin. You’ll want to fill the tin completely so that the cookies stay intact during transit.
  5. Line the bottom and the sides of your tin. You can use corrugated, tissue, or butcher block paper and top with pretty doilies.
  6. Separate each type of cookie with cupcake liners, shred, tissue, wax paper and/or parchment paper. Keeping cookies separated avoids the mingling of flavors. For round, crisp cookies that will stay intact – you can tie them together with a piece of pretty baker’s twine.
  7. When choosing which cookies to include in your tin, consider freshness. It’s best to only include cookies that can last several days without going stale.

Now, what type of cookies are best for a cookie tin? When deciding, keep these characteristics in mind.


How to Create the Perfect Christmas Cookie Tin | Imperial Sugar (2)

For a chewy option, we love these Caramel Stuffed Peanut Butter Cookies. If you want to add a crunchy cookie, try our Salted Caramel Crunch Cookies.

How to Create the Perfect Christmas Cookie Tin | Imperial Sugar (3)

Soft cookies like Coconut Meltaway Cookies stand out this time of year by adding a tropical flair in a sea of brown sugar and spice.

How to Create the Perfect Christmas Cookie Tin | Imperial Sugar (4)

If you add a soft, you need its compliment – a crisp cookie like these Cinnamon Snap Cookiesor Almond Orange Biscotti for proper cookie tin balance.


How to Create the Perfect Christmas Cookie Tin | Imperial Sugar (5)

Different colors of cookies in a tin make it look bright and festive. Try our Peppermint Chocolate Drop Cookies and these jewel-toned Stained Glass Jewel Cookies for a pop of red and white. These Buddy the Elf Breakfast Cookies have both outrageous color and flavor. You can add our deep brown (and top-rated) Gingerdoodle Cookies for a contrasting color.


How to Create the Perfect Christmas Cookie Tin | Imperial Sugar (6)

A cookie tin is like a box of chocolates, you want a variety to suit everyone’s tastes. For fruit lovers, include our Orange Marmalade Cookies. A spicy selection is nice too. We suggest Chai Snickerdoodles. Of course you definitely want to include a chocolate sweet treat like these Death by Chocolate Chip Cookies because you can never go wrong with three kinds of chocolate in one cookie!


How to Create the Perfect Christmas Cookie Tin | Imperial Sugar (7)

Not all cookies are round, so change up the look of your tin with these fun and seasonal Copycat Mallomars. The whimsical Cream Cheese Chocolate Coconut Pinwheels check lots of boxes. Don’t forget about a moon shaped traditional cookie like ourPecan Crescent Cookies.

Do you want more Christmas cookie and dessertideas? We’ve have 100s of festively fun holiday cookie recipes on our website.

How to Create the Perfect Christmas Cookie Tin | Imperial Sugar (8)

How to Create the Perfect Christmas Cookie Tin | Imperial Sugar (2024)


How to fill a Christmas cookie tin? ›

Layer crinkle paper in the bottom of the tins or boxes, then arrange the cookies in the tins and fill any empty spaces with candies. Close the Christmas tins or boxes and decorate them with ribbons, bows, or twine. Give away to friends and family, and don't forget to enjoy some cookies yourself!!

How to keep Christmas cookies fresh in a tin? ›

Use Airtight Containers

Once your cookies have cooled, store them in layers in airtight containers. Separate each layer with a sheet of wax paper to prevent the cookies from sticking together. Do so, and you should be able to store Christmas cookies at room temperature for up to 2 weeks, notes Auxer.

How to build the perfect holiday cookie box? ›

The heaviest cookies should go on the bottom and the lightest should be on top. Make sure that the cookies are packed snugly in the box to avoid them jostling each other during shipping. Put a final layer of bubble wrap or tissue paper on top before putting the lid on.

What do you put in the bottom of a cookie tin? ›

I put parchment paper in the bottom of each tin, place the cookies in and close it up. Quick tip: If you have smaller cookies (like my truffles), place a cupcake liner in the tin and put the smaller cookies inside. This will keep them from rolling around or getting squished under the bigger cookies.

How do you keep cookies crisp in a tin? ›

Keep those cookies crisp by storing them in an airtight container. Some people toss a piece of bread in with the cookies to help absorb any excess moisture. You could also re-crisp them by baking on a wire rack in a 300 degree F oven for a few minutes.

What Christmas cookies stay fresh the longest? ›

Shortbread and Spritz Cookies

Cookies like shortbread and spritz are great candidates if you want cookies that'll last a while. In the freezer: You can keep shortbread and spritz in the freezer for up to six months.

How do you keep Christmas sugar cookies from spreading? ›

If your cookies are still spreading, add an extra 2 Tablespoons of flour to the cookie dough. Don't overmix the cookie dough ingredients. Cream the butter and sugar for only as long as you need to, usually about 1-2 minutes. Don't begin beating then leave the room with the mixer running.

How do you keep Christmas cookies from getting hard? ›

Keep Them Sealed

The key to keeping cookies fresh and soft is to seal them in an airtight container, like a resealable freezer bag. And here's a nifty little trick: add a piece of bread to the bag.

How to decorate Christmas sugar cookies like a pro? ›

Start by outlining the cookie with piping-consistency icing in any color you choose. Then, use flooding-consistency icing to fill the outlined area, starting by flooding around the edges and working your way towards the center. If the flooding is inconsistent in thickness, redistribute the wet icing with a toothpick.

How do you keep Christmas cookies in shape? ›

Sandwich your dough between two sheets of parchment, roll, then freeze; it makes cut-out cookies a breeze! If you plan to store it for only a few hours or days, there's no need to overwrap the baking sheet; for longer storage, wrap the entire baking sheet tightly with plastic wrap before freezing.

What do you line a cookie tin with? ›

Layer cookies between waxed or parchment paper. This keeps them from sticking together or losing crispness. Metal tins keep cookies firmer than plastic bins.

Can you bake in Christmas tins? ›

There's just a few rules to follow before you get baking: -Use steel tins without any kind of coating (no paint, color, etc.) on the inside. Generally speaking, it's ok for the tins to have some sort of finish on the outside, as long as you're not exceeding temperatures of 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

What should I line my cookie tins with? ›

Line Containers

Always line cardboard containers with parchment or waxed paper. And you should make sure that cookies have cooled completely before you package them; the steam given off by warm cookies will make them soggy.

How do you package homemade cookies for Christmas? ›

Look for smaller holiday storage ziplock bags — you can just slip a big cookie into a bag, seal it up, and it'll be ready to give! Use scrapbook paper to use to make an envelope for single Christmas cookies. Just fold the paper into an envelope, slide a cookie in, then seal it with a sticker or piece of tape.

How do you reuse Christmas cookie tins? ›

How To Repurpose Empty Cookie Tins? The Best Ways to Reuse a Cookie Tin
  1. Use cookie tins as storage jars. ...
  2. Using cookie jars as shelves. ...
  3. Use cookie jars as lampshades. ...
  4. Use the cookie jar as a wall hanging decoration. ...
  5. Use cookie jars as planters. ...
  6. Use cookie jars to make jewelry boxes.
Feb 15, 2023

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