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赵俐红,田健,刘英姿,等. 高密度电法和微动谱比法在青岛石湾沟水库渗漏探测中的应用[J]. 华北地震科学,2024, 42(1):1-6. doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003−1375.2024.01.001.
引用本文: | 赵俐红,田健,刘英姿,等. 高密度电法和微动谱比法在青岛石湾沟水库渗漏探测中的应用[J]. 华北地震科学,2024, 42(1):1-6. doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003−1375.2024.01.001. |
ZHAO Lihong,TIAN Jian,LIU Yingzi,et al. Application of High-density Electrical Method and Microkinetic Spectral Ratio Method in Leakage Detection of Shiwangou Reservoir in Qingdao[J]. North China Earthquake Sciences,2024, 42(1):1-6. doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003−1375.2024.01.001.
Citation: | ZHAO Lihong,TIAN Jian,LIU Yingzi,et al. Application of High-density Electrical Method and Microkinetic Spectral Ratio Method in Leakage Detection of Shiwangou Reservoir in Qingdao[J]. North China Earthquake Sciences,2024, 42(1):1-6. doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003−1375.2024.01.001. |
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- 赵俐红,
- 田健,
- 刘英姿,
- 李建平,
- 牟斌,
- 辛志翔,
- 张金伟,
- 丁仁伟
Application of High-density Electrical Method and Microkinetic Spectral Ratio Method in Leakage Detection of Shiwangou Reservoir in Qingdao
- ZHAO Lihong,
- TIAN Jian,
- LIU Yingzi,
- LI Jianping,
- MOU Bin,
- XIN Zhixiang,
- ZHANG Jinwei,
- DING Renwei
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摘要: 以青岛市石湾沟水库为研究对象,采用高密度电法和微动谱比法对该水库东南部坝体进行联合探测,通过分析其高低阻转换的“畸变现象”和高低谱比值转换的小谱比值区域,找到渗漏的位置和规模,推测其渗透路径为一条走向约354°、宽度约20 m的断裂构造带。钻孔验证结果表明联合探测取得了较好的效果,为该水库后期防渗处理提供了可靠依据。
Abstract: In this paper, Shiwangou Reservoir in Qingdao City is taken as the research object. High-density electrical method and microtremor spectral ratio method are used to jointly detect the dam body in the southeast of the reservoir. By analyzing the "distortion phenomenon" of the high-low resistance conversion and the small spectrum ratio area of the high-low spectrum ratio conversion, the location and scale of leakage are found, and the permeability path is estimated to be a trend of about 354° and a width of about 20 m. After verification by drilling, the results show that the joint detection has achieved good results , which provides a reliable basis for the reservoir's later anti-seepage treatment.
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